Top 5 must-have Incarnon Genesis weapons in Warframe: Duviri Paradox

The Duviri Paradox update in Warframe focused on the eponymous open-word island, Duviri. Most of its new content additions are, therefore, also Duviri-centric, including new weapons, mechanics, and materials. Yet Duviri Paradox supersedes the content island syndrome that has plagued all of Warframe's previous open-world updates - Plains of Eidolon or Fortuna.

It employs a nifty mechanic in the new game mode, the Circuit. Tied to the reward pool for the Circuit are Incarnon Geneses, a new system to bolster the powers of legacy weapons that had once fallen out of popularity.

Distributed across six weekly rotations, the Genesis Incarnon upgrades cover 30 weapons. This includes 10 for each Warframe weapon slot - primaries, secondaries, and melee.

As one would expect, it is impossible to make all these weapons equally powerful with Incarnon upgrades. Nor is it worthwhile to upgrade all of them, as they provide no extra Mastery Rank. Those included in the following list are arguably the best of the lot.

Notably, the melee upgrades are less potent than the melee Acolyte mod nerf. The projectiles added to most of these upgrades add to their useability, but they are still not top five material without hefty Riven investments.

Note: This article is subjective and reflects the writer's opinions.

Latron Prime and 4 other best Incarnon Genesis upgrades in Warframe: Duviri Paradox

1) Torid

A pure elemental weapon crafted from the Ogris, the original Torid is a half-decent weapon. It hurls a toxic projectile that creates a hovering toxic cloud on contact that lingers for about 3 seconds, damaging all caught within its radius.

Compared to the other guns on this list, this one has the biggest glow-up, thanks to the Genesis upgrade. Firstly, this weapon's Incarnon mode is possibly the easiest to charge. It requires no complicated conditions like headshots, only that you shoot a few targets.

In its incarnon form, the weapon essentially turns into a more potent Amprex. It creates a beam that shoots up to 40 meters away and chains to five additional targets on contact. With Final Fusillade and Survivor's Edge, the incarnon mode sits at a beastly 44% Critical Chance and 54% Status Chance, plus nearly twice the base damage.

2) Dual Toxocyst

Introduced in 2016, the Dual Toxocyst came at an era of Warframe where gimmick weapons like it were still a novelty. The gimmick on this particular gun is that headshots turn it from a semi-automatic pair of sidearms into a bullet-hose akimbo.

This is the only weapon that has undergone another metamorphosis on top of its Incarnon switch, and the Incarnon form makes its good points even better.

The Dual Toxocyst belongs to the rank of armaments that are not top-of-the-line but on the verge of being so. The simple stat boosts from its evolution tree are good enough to push the non-Incarnon mode into viable end-game territory.

The Incarnon form, on the other hand, hits even harder and clears entire rooms in one go because of the bullet ricochet system. Essentially, headshots chain to other targets like the Incarnon Torid.

3) Lex Prime

In the pre-kitgun Warframe, Lex had picked up the reputation of being an S-tier secondary. The trusty de-facto Desert Eagle of Warframe behaves as one would expect. The regular Lex itself can be crafted with just Credits. It charms new players by being the strongest one-tap sidearm in the early game. Lex Prime, of course, cranks its qualities up a gear higher. Nevertheless, Lex fell out of favor due to its single-target nature.

The Incarnon upgrade alleviates this most bluntly. Once charged, Lex Incarnon becomes a plasma cannon that dishes out high-critical chance projectiles reminiscent of the Catchmoon in its heyday. With it, this weapon is back up to the 'S' tier of sidearms of Warframe again.

4) Latron Prime

The original Latron, despite its slick Ridley Scott-esque design, is simply Mastery Rank fodder. Its only use is to build into the Tiberon, a direct upgrade in every way. Even the Latron Wraith or Prime are not big enough upgrades to eliminate the taint of Mastery Fodder from the weapon.

The Incarnon Genesis flips the script and turns it into a massively supercharged Tenet Arca Plasmor. Its target-piercing bouncing plasma projectile clears corridors with extreme prejudice, making it a spectacle of Red Crit numbers. With Critical Parallel in Evolution IV, the Incarnon form sits at a staggering 68% Critical Chance with a 3.8x Critical Multiplier.

5) Burston Prime

In the fifth week rotation, Digital Extremes pulled off the biggest bait-and-switch of this patch with Burston. The public eye was focused on Incarnon Soma, released in the same Circuit rotation until players found it to be a disappointment at worst and a side grade at best. Incarnon Burston, on the other hand, has undeniably usurped the throne of Soma. It materializes the wildest dreams of the automatic assault rifle enthusiast and then some.

The Reaver's Rapture perk in Evolution IV converts Incarnon Burston into a 20 rounds per second 52% Critical Chance bullet hose. Add this to respectable base damage, and the once newcomer's first burst-fire placeholder has now become the king of assault rifles in Warframe.

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