Priconne - CB13 Hits Planner


This is a database of timelines for Clan Battle 13 (JP wiki), augmented to allow you to (more easily?) select three non-conflicting teams. Each team is annotated with the boss, the expected damage, and a team ID that lets you know where you can find additional information.

The Options tab allows you to select units you do not have and update various display options, as well as configure where the tool can check to find teams.

The column headers (boss, damage, team ID, timing) are all clickable, and clicking on the header will sort the table by that column. After finding a team you like, click the "choose" button next to a team to choose it, and the teams that conflict with it will disappear. If you decide the team removed too many good teams, click the "remove" button to unchoose it.

Desired Bosses

Matching Regions

Global China Japan Korea Thailand Taiwan

Desired Timings

full auto semi auto manual video unspecified non-functional

Chosen Teams

damage pad score pad

 bossdamageregionteam IDtiming alt bosses

Available Teams

 bossdamageregiontimelinetiming alt bosses

Data Sources

Display Settings

Choose how the planner should handle support units.

Choose how to render teams that are disabled due to unavailable units and/or any potential conflicts with teams you have already chosen.

Choose whether to show build information with the list of teams.

Available Units

Select the units that you have available in your box. The input field below provides a URL you can use to reload your selections. Note that if you use this URL and new teams get added using new units, they will start off unchecked.

Extra Teams

Use the text box below for any additional teams you want to consider when planning. Entries in the text box can be:

  • data sources published as Google Sheets, with columns matching the ones used in the data sources linked above (one line per URL)
  • CSV-like lines (one line per entry)
    A1,semi auto,1.23,Nanaka,Mitsuki,Anna,Eriko,Ruka

0 default teams, extra team loaded

load extra teams


Maintained by: holatuwol#3708 Images taken from: PriCalc Unit Viewer and
