Jack Osbourne and ex Lisa stage a pap stroll to show theyre still getting along

Everything is fine, folks, so we can all stop worrying about Jack and Lisa Osbourne’s divorce, okay? They may have fought since the moment they took their vows and Jack may have spent the majority of Lisa’s pregnancy couch surfing because she kept kicking him out, but things are just totally groovy now. At least I think that’s the message from their “spontaneous” pap stroll was supposed to communicate. Days after Lisa filed paperwork to divorce Jack, the whole family went out for ice cream. This included three-month old Minnie in her car seat. TMZ just happened to be there and peppered the couple with fawning comments about how they are keeping it, “family first.”

Jack and Lisa Osbourne are no longer sharing a bed. But they do share three daughters. And the exes are committed to keeping the peace for their little girls.

“We’re in this for the long haul together. We might as well make it the best we can,” Jack, 32, told TMZ on Monday, May 21, just three days after he and Lisa, 31, announced they were divorcing after six years of marriage.

TMZ filmed the parents strolling in Studio City, California, with kids Pearl, 6, Andy, 3, and 3-month-old Minnie. Both Jack and Lisa snickered when the outlet asked if they have any advice for newlyweds Prince Harry and Duchess Meghan (nee Markle).

“Maybe we’re not the ones to ask!” quipped the Ozzy & Jack’s World Detour star.
Fancy Sprinkles founder Lisa echoed the sentiment: “We’re not the people to ask.”
With a big grin, Jack told TMZ, “We’re just a pulling a page from Chris Martin and Gwyneth’s Paltrow’s book.”

[From Us]

You can watch the TMZ video here but I have to warn you, you will want to punch the videographer with his inane and leading questions. I applaud both Jack and Lisa for keeping a sense of humor about it, though – their response about not being the ones to give Harry and Meghan advice is perfect. And I think the ‘conscious-uncoupling’ reference at the end is delivered as a joke as well but it plays into my larger conspiracy theory as to why they felt the need to show the world how chill they were. As I said in my original post, I had no reason to suspect this would be anything other than a drama-free divorce. I didn’t need any kind of proof of that and most of your comments said the same. So who are they trying to impress?

Jack told The Mirror recently that they had “tried everything” to make it work and ultimately, it just didn’t. It could be that Minnie was conceived when they were trying to save their marriage and they simply realized they could no longer stay married. I believed they got along and that everything was fine but now that they’ve staged an obvious ‘happy family’ outing, I’m starting to suspect they’re trying to get out in front of something.

Or maybe the point was nobody cared they were getting divorced so this was to drum up interest.



Photo credit: Backgrid, WENN and Getty Images
