Guide to get and use Shielded Cargo in Starfield

In the vast expanse of space, opportunities abound, and for those seeking a less-than-legal path among the stars in Starfield, selling contraband is the way. If you've previously been detected trying to smuggle and sell contraband, you've probably already been arrested and your goods seized. So, how do you plan to successfully sell your contraband in the game?

A Shielded Cargo Hold is your ticket to success. This guide walks you through the process of obtaining and utilizing a Shielded Cargo Hold, essential for transporting illicit goods while evading the watchful eye of authorities.

How to get Shielded Cargo in Starfield

Here is a step-by-step guide on how to get the Shielded Cargo Hold for your ship:

Step 1: Open your star map and plot a course to the Porrima star system, situated east of Alpha Centauri. If you possess an upgraded grav drive, you might be able to grav jump directly to Porrima.

However, if you lack this upgrade, fret not; you can still reach your destination by making pit stops at closer star systems like the Volii system.

Way to Porrima Star System on your star map (Image via Bethesda)

Step 2: Upon arrival in the Porrima system, identifying the target planet can be a tad confusing. This is due to the numerous planets named Porrima, followed by numerals.

Your objective is Porrima III, conveniently located just above the system's sun on the Porrima system map.

Porrima III in Starfield (Image via Bethesda)

Step 3: Your next destination on Porrima III is an area known as the Red Mile, marked on the planet's surface. Click on the Red Mile marker, and you'll receive a prompt inviting you to land there. Accept the invitation to proceed.

The Red Mile on Porrima III (Image via Bethesda)

Step 4: Inside the Red Mile building, specifically in Ship Services, your contact for obtaining a Shielded Cargo Hold is Lon Anderssen. After disembarking from your ship, proceed straight ahead until you encounter a guard. Take the first door on your right.

The Red Mile building in Starfield (Image via Bethesda)

Step 5: Inside, Lon Anderssen should be behind the ship services desk. Engage in conversation with him, and you'll discover a dialogue option enabling you to view and modify your ship. This option will lead you to the ship customization screen, where you can access the shipbuilder.

Talking to Lon Anderssen in Starfield (Image via Bethesda)

Step 6: Within the shipbuilder screen, look for the "Add" button (visible when your cursor is not hovering over the ship). Clicking it will reveal a list of available ship parts on the right-hand side.

Navigate to the Cargo tab, where you'll find various options for Shielded Cargo Holds. Select the one that suits your needs, attach it to your ship, and voila! Your vessel is now equipped to accommodate your smuggling endeavors.

Adding Shielded Cargo to your ship (Image via Bethesda)

How to use Shielded Cargo in Starfield

In Starfield, you cannot directly access Shielded Cargo, and the contraband just works automatically with it. If you have contraband and Shielded Cargo, the contraband will automatically be placed in that section of the ship without informing you.

It is important that you opt for a Shielded Cargo hold with a substantial capacity. This becomes especially relevant when transporting smaller quantities of contraband at a time.

Here's an example to better explain how this process works: Consider that 50 of your 800 total capacity of goods are shielded. Once you deposit the contraband in your ship's storage, it is automatically considered to be in the Shielded Cargo compartment if it weighs 50 mass or less.

However, if you go over this protected limit and have any contraband with a mass of 50 or above or numerous pieces that total more than 50, part or all of it will wind up in normal storage and become subject to being discovered.

Key takeaway

In settled systems like the Alpha Centauri, authorities can detect contraband quickly, and getting caught might have serious repercussions. Shielded Cargo provides a solution to this issue, but it is important that you use it wisely.

Using half or even less of your Shielded Cargo capacity gives you better odds of passing through. In essence, your odds of successfully concealing contraband increase with the amount of unused shielded space you have in relation to your entire load.

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