Duke Quarterback Riley Leonard receives 'You Suck' texts from his mom prior to each game

While most starting quarterbacks, particularly those at ACC schools, are often showered with praise, Duke University's quarterback Riley Leonard has taken a unique approach to keep himself grounded.

Leonard's secret? A simple two-word mantra: "You Suck."

Rather than sporting a wristband emblazoned with an inspiring quote or verse, Leonard opts for one that just reads, "You suck." But the unique motivation doesn't stop there. He's even enlisted the support of his mother, who texts him the same two-word message before every game, a request she has gladly fulfilled.

This breaks from the traditional form of athlete motivation, which generally involves positive affirmations or encouraging verses displayed on their apparel or equipment. It's more common to find negative comments pinned up on bulletin boards, typically those made by opponents or sports journalists.

The unorthodox approach seems to be effective for Leonard. During his inaugural season as the starting quarterback for Duke, he posted impressive statistics. He completed 63.9% of his attempted passes, amassing 2,967 yards. Additionally, he threw for 20 touchdowns and was intercepted only six times. His versatility shone through with an added 699 yards on the ground, accompanied by 13 rushing touchdowns. Leonard also led the school to its best season in an over decade. Leonard and the Blue Devils are opening their season against Clemson Monday night as it seems his ritual already paid off as he ran for a 44-yard touchdown run to take the lead.

Though Leonard's method might not be universally adopted anytime soon, it's hard to argue against its efficiency for him. Perhaps he may even pave the way for other athletes to explore unconventional avenues of self-motivation.

For Riley Leonard, the results on the field have justified his alternative mental strategy, suggesting that sometimes, a little self-imposed pressure can go a long way.
